
And they create insufferable contrarian assholes.

Seriously, I have never looked that good in my entire life.

Huzzah! I would just like to point out her acid green skull halter gown “at” the GG and the weird ass scenario-

Truly an incredibly agent. He had a sentient can of beige paint for a client, but by god, he earned his commission.

a public announcement that should, if nothing else, throw some much-needed attention toward that often misunderstood condition.”

To be fair, the Lindsey Ellis video you seem to be referencing with “Diet Nazis” had a number of explicit and specific apologies, while calling out the bad faith criticisms that seem inherent to many of these pile-ons.

They could probably just end the show.  I think everyone would be fine with that.

Why wouldn't he just run for state office in Arkansas?

Just checking in to mention I created this account name years ago specifically to comment on how Mike Huckabee praised Duggar as a ‘good Christian’ after he was outed as a serial pedophile. Huckabee specifically didn’t try to deny that Duggar did it, and he seemed genuinely confused to find out that some people

I booked DMX at a show in Atlanta around... I want to say it was Halloween 2011. Anyway, I didn’t really know what to expect. At that point in his career, DMX was something of a novelty name to add to a bill. Our other acts that night were all pretty standard EARMILK fare, and our audience was probably just old enough

Tony Scott directed True Romance, Oliver Stone directed Natural Born Killers, for fucks’ sake.

I love big stupid muscle cars so 1974 would be a dream. I’ve have so much fun. I’d grow a mullet, cut the sleeves off all my t-shirts, and crank up the Van Halen cassette behind the wheel of my Pontiac Firebird Trans Am SD-455. I'd be the worst meathead you'd ever meet.

Look Rapaport is trash and a horrible person. But can we not try to downplay Durant here? Rapaport being horrible does not excuse Durant AT ALL.

Jesus, two years later and I’m never going to stop feeling vicariously embarrassed by people calling Captain Marvel’s 90 seconds of air force content that’s entirely about how they’re a bunch of misogynist pricks ‘military propaganda’.

A teacher that’s got this kind of hatred in their heart has been taking it out on students as long as they’ve been there. The school’s been hiding it for ages.

1) its possible the district was trying to sweep this under the rug and the firing/resignation happened after the parent threatened to sue

Now they’re just letting people sue anyone for telling the truth*?! What a crazy world!

You’d think that if any generation understood communism, then it would be the boomers-since they lived most of their lives under the threat of it, but they were just too self centered and wilfully ignorant to ever bother to learn. Fuck boomers.

Take these kids away from her immediately. Full stop. No “well you get to see them during...” No, you lost that right. For good.