
What really struck me is how “his previous crimes have not been made clear” considering that when black people are brutalized or murdered by cops, any previous crimes, tickets, unexcused absences from school, cavities, or instances of them being within 10 miles of someone smoking marijuana, always seem to be uncovered

A judge looking for an excuse to send a cop trial to a cop friendly venue?

Nissan may have to take that up as a second job to pay the bills with the numbers they posted.

I’d hate to be in a dealerships evil shoes.

You do not walk alone. No one humiliates the General. And, the General merely expects kneeling. Is that so hard?

Yes. Absolutely yes.

Jesus christ, the debates between those two are going to be an absolute shitshow, aren’t they?

It’s time for Savage Nobody! Special thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday last week. Thought I should tell you guys about it. It was a pretty normal birthday. One day you’re one age, the next day you’re one year older, and then because that means a year somehow passed in twenty-four hours, a rift in

Our mere existence threatens their fragility. 

Racist to the person pointing out their racism: “Wait, you see racism? That makes YOU the racist.”

I suspect the ACLU will get involved and if they don’t the teacher ought to sue the school district. This will force the school to defend its process and ultimately what was the offending item and the district will determine very quickly they made a mistake that will cost them lots of dollars. Racists and bigots will

I believe it’s for the same reason they get their panties in a bunch over the smallest shit but have the nerve to call liberals “snowflake cucks”.

Why do racists hate being called out on their racism? Wouldn’t it be easier on their fragile, little egos if they just stopped being racist?

I hate when you make me think this late in the day, Michael.

how about adding goalpost moving? they excel at that. 

going apeshit about wearing masks

‘Fas­cism can come from the far right or the far left’

Wow. Mother of the Year apparently has two more kids she doesn’t have custody of (they’re with their grandparents). Another white woman chimes in on the thread and says, basically, “sorry that’s your mom, I used to live near her and she was trash then.” Yikes.

Holy shit.

Without spoiling, I would say that is INACCURATE.