
This is the product Orange Idiot wants to export the most. 

We’ve been falling for 30 months!

Please let there be a Purple Wedding Blue Wave.

Here’s the link. I’m getting one too.

Dammit Michael, now I have to throw out my Asics.

I cannot wait until tomorrow for the Clapback Mailbag!

This young man is going to prison, not because he’s guilty(that scent you’re catching? It’s probably fish), but because he was BATRT.

Just when I thought the world couldn’t give a flying shit.

Great throw from Judge on both plays, but on the first, it would appear the runner was safe. If the ump had been on the left field side of the plate, I think he would have called it differently. Oh well.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

The reporter asks:

President Orange Idiot von F*ckstick only wishes he could be Lex Luthor.

Trainer’s decision to fire his weapon “was not in defense of his life, nor was it in defense of the lives of others,” calling the shooting “unjustified.”

If we’re all going to be living in caves, we’ll need Dazzler and Jubilee to light the way. I felt sadness typing that out and it wasn’t because of impending nuclear fallout.

Other than Gregg Popovich, yes.

It’s early morning in Washington D.C., where Orange Idiot is(if he left the goddamn golf course, that is).

Understated, although succinct and accurate.

I agree this is awful, but please don’t presume the RN was female.

Is there a flattering one?

If ESPN fires Hill, they would be making a decidedly political statement in support of white supremacy.