Hot Sundae

ADDENDUM: I wrote this without realizing that you CANNOT get your sub toasted at Jimmy Johns.

Dear Ina,

Oh shut the fuck up. No one is saying it’s illegal to do, they just can’t do it at work, just like you can’t get hammered off your ass at work even though alcohol is legal.

As a former athlete and dipper I support this 100% get quit and stay quit

Went to the movies last night (Dr Strange is just OK) and partook in my favorite childhood movie habit. Buy Twizzlers, bite off end of each side of Twizzler, use Twizzler as a straw to drink my soda. I don’t have a question, just wanted to share that last night was fucking great.

Ashley, I know you probably take a lot of shit over your work here, so I wanted to tell you I have started to deliberately check Deadspin when something like this breaks, knowing that your article will both appropriately reinforce my horror and commiserate with it. You’re great. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise

God, really fucking sick of this, “um, actually it will be fine” shit.

I would urge the Deadspin staff (and anyone else, really) that feel they are in “safe” states to vote for Hillary anyway. There is a difference between barely fending off fascism, and repudiating it forcefully, and the more bigly Trump’s loss, the more forcefully we repudiate fascism. read Deadspin looking for unbiased coverage? Where did you get the idea that exists here?

I’m just as surprised as anybody that South Carolina beat Tennessee. I’m also elated by it. Go Cocks!

You’re right, maybe this article isn’t “unbiased”. Maybe it’s not true that “The Volunteers are simple fucked.” Maybe the post doesn’t “look the part” or “fit the mold” and Nick Martin doesn’t “understand what’s going on in the news.” Maybe Nick doesn’t “wear the latest clothes” or even ones that don’t “reek” or

Tennessee is two insane plays away from being 3-5. What makes you think they can go undefeated with Big Game Butchie at the helm? Time to face the fact that UT’s glory days are lomg gone. You’re Vandy, only without actually getting a real degree,

As a South Carolina resident, this is incredibly frustrating. Dylann Roof did not lose any of his rights as a citizen after he was charged with killing 9 parishioners at a black church. He’s just as much of a (suspected) domestic terrorist as Rahami.