
Hidden Figures was the best movie to come out in the past several years, closely followed by Rogue One, and I will FIGHT anyone who claims otherwise.

The Latina/o aspect is always the most confusing, because we can pretty much be any color. It sucks that we still get almost no play in the industry.

Seriously. Black people are dying, and mekki is here to say, “But...” He/She can get fucked.

I’m glad that women are getting more leading roles, but let’s remember this the next time a prominent white actress cites her womanhood to derail a conversation about whitewashing. You can’t knowingly benefit from your whiteness and call yourself a feminist. Until women of all kind are represented, we’ve still got

I didn’t start the comparison, the one that decided to state ‘no one has it worse’ and continue to argue that dumb ass point did. I am never going to be silent on any post if someone attempts to dismiss anti-blackness.

I have encountered those types before. Underpinning their dismissal is the belief that whatever hate black people experience and in whatever form, we deserve it so it doesn’t count.

Here is my thrice-yearly FUCK YOU to you, Mekki. You always have some denialist or negative shit to say when Black issue come up, and now we are not oppressed enough for you. Fuck off.

Yes, I will take it. I will not have my pain or black pain continue to be minimized.

As long as people continue to kill black people for existing, #blacklivesmatter because it needs to be said.

This should’ve been directed at Mekki. I hate oppression olympics but I hate it even more when it’s an inaccurate premise, as in; when Mekki inaccurately starts the oppression olympics with statement like, “no other group has had such a network of conspiracies built around them over the centuries.”

Even without all these conspiracies, people still find many ways and reasons to enslave, dehumanize, and kill black people at a level not seen by any other group. Not for nothing, not even bothering to find excuses or global conspiracies to kill, enslave, and dehumanize black people is much worse.

Oppression olympics is always fun.

What exactly do you mean by “conspiracies that affect the world not just white people”? Anti-blackness is vast and worldwide, and very heavily executed in Israel against black Jews.

They may not have those particular conspiracies, but they equally (or more) destructive conspiracies that lead to white people literally cheering when they are summarily executed by anyone that feels like it. No Jewish people don’t have it worse by any stretch of the imagination, especially as non-black Jewish people

Black people. Black people have a whole long and extensive hate cult built around them.

A friend’s grandparents’ graves are among the desecrated. She found out today, on her grandfather’s yahrzeit. It’s so heartbreaking.

Even if she hyphenates she’ll still be the most Awesome-Hernandez around.

Please tell me they use that photo for their announcements and stuff. With no explanation. Just that photo.

This is probably the only last name I would take.

Wait, JOHN AWESOME?? Talk about burying the lede.