D Curtiss

Man, holy shit are the trolls out in force today.

Don’t forget Benghazi! 

Bitch, one of your own investigated your rotting pumpkin. And along the way, he indicted three dozen people, including the President’s campaign manager, personal lawyer, national security adviser, several other close aides and advisers, and a whole bunch of other people.

As I try to do whenever her name is mentioned, since her name should never, ever be mentioned without noting this: Laura Ingraham performed a Sieg Heil to Donald Trump at the 2016 RNC.

Dear Laura,

God bless you. This post made me laugh out loud, and with the way this week has been (and EVERY FUCKING WEEK SINCE THAT SHIT STAIN TOOK OFFICE), it was a nice break.

Christ, these journalists are just falling over themselves to defend SHS, latching onto a throwaway joke about eyeshadow in their eagerness to keep their places at the Trump feeding trough.

It’s a sad state of affairs when this country was incensed because they saw a tit on TV, yet saw fit to put a dick in the White House.