
Are you thinking of someone else? Aemond is quite inbred, he’s just not the result of a brother-sister union.

I had the same mental image.


It’s badge and little rubber truncheon.

You were correct, it was the dragon they already had. This recapper is awful.

I am having a hard time connecting to the story intellectually or emotionally for the reasons you laid out in your first paragraph.

I kept watching but I agree that speech was absolute drivel.

It’s because he’s not a versatile actor. He was perfect for that part, but now it’s over.

I wonder if you realize that your socialization was tragic. You don’t have to walk the line between prude and slut, and I encourage you to only date people who don’t require that you walk a line.

I’ve not read the comics but I enjoyed the first two episodes I watched this morning quite a lot.

Hahahaha, I’m tempted to go. I don’t know which vibe will materialize, but I expect it to be pronounced.

It’s embarrassing to watch, this kind of performance.

Please learn the difference between insouciance and childishness. 

Friend, you’ve inadvertently got a slur in your article. Might want to consider whether using “jipped” is worth the potential storm.

It totally does, but a certain amount of self-aggrandizement is necessary to surviving fame, no matter how desultory the performer may seem in interviews. The unusual thing is that Keke is saying the quiet part out loud.

Gasp! Holy cats, it IS. My mind is blown.

It’s been a whole thing. She’s missed an unusual number of performances, suggesting that there is something that is really none of our business going on with her. Replacing her is a way to add some consistency to the run.

Zero sarcasm, you have a talent for this work.

Zero sarcasm, you have a talent for this work.

I quite like this young woman. Dynamite actor, and it’s nice to imagine an attractive woman manouvering through Hollywood undamaged.