
One day?! I was expecting this last year. The future is failing me.

Boooooooo, I hated Lehman Brothers deeply. Lazy play, lazy design.

A lot of us wanted it to be better than it was. I don’t think it would have gotten any traction in a “normal” theater season when all those prominent actors were busy.

If my husband died suddenly, it would affect my work and my priorities, probably for the rest of my life.

I got it, and appreciated it, but I can see why others didn’t.

I think this is a terrible idea. Padelecki was the weak link, skills-wise, on SPN and it will be the same on The Boys.

I don’t think you imagined it. I remember reading about the contacts but I could not remember if it was an actor-eye problem or a “this looks dumb in test” problem.

A shoutout for “Be Kind to My Mistakes.”

This guy is very talented. I’m looking forward to seeing what he did, even though I hear the movie is a mess.

When Ishtar was released to video, I used to make people who disparaged the movie without having seen it watch it with me. I believe I did this to four people, all of whom were fairly charmed by the film once they had given it a chance. It’s fun, has some things to say about commercial entertainment, and I still

He totally seems a like good time without recriminations. And I suspect he believes women are people.

I want to send this woman pizza and a nice bottle of Scotch.

That’s it! That’s what’s been nagging at me! Bless you, internet stranger.

This is the correct take.

Yeah, at 82, after not having to show up to set on Moon Knight, he may be ready to pull back to voiceover work exclusively. I hope he doesn’t have to stop working entirely.

I had the exact same reaction. 

I also enjoyed the films, and I got a big kick out of books, even though they came out when I was an adult.

My dad legit knew someone who died from eating a whole cup of apple seeds. 

Death has perspective. I dig it.

He’s an actor. Surely, if anyone knows how to be dramatically bored…