because some of the seats (like the Focus ST) are the purest form of torture available to anyone with a rib cage?
because some of the seats (like the Focus ST) are the purest form of torture available to anyone with a rib cage?
if it doesn’t need a grille, it shouldn’t have a grille. There’s plenty of precedent in the rear and mid engine car types to make that work.
Merc sprinter van, factory 4x4.
this video is fantastic and I’m glad to see that BMW is testing their premier sports coupe in real world conditions; A BMW M whatever racing down a tightly curving on-ramp and being interrupted by surprise obstacles that pop up like other cars driving responsibly, pedestrians, and cars pulling out of parking spots at…
hey, I bought one myself, so I’m a bit biased in the argument. But then, I’m an engineer, so counting in base 10 has value to me ;)
look up any woodworking forum thread regarding SawStop. The minute you mention that saw, the storm follows. It’s like those who want the product and feel that $2k is chickenfeed compared to losing fingers, and there’s those who feel that it’s better to lose fingers than to sacrifice libertarian beliefs and shell out…
um, it’s not supposed to be easy to get through those walls. She had to be MOVING.
1) stop treating people who buy new cars like idiots. Your baileywick is used car culture, and that’s bigger than just thumbing your nose at new Camrys.
you have several basic articles that you perpetually revomit:
I realize this may sound a bit like the Republican contenders for the throne of the solar system... and I apologize for that, but maybe, just maybe, it’s time we started to talk about kicking VW out of the country.
as a former TDI owner, this just reinforces all the reasons for my holy jihad against VW.
“but we can’t meet our sales goals until you fix the diesels for the EPA”
true, but look at basic anatomy of an automobile:
neat site! thanks!
where is this fantastical place, and what tax credits are in place to artificially boost the sales of Otto’s peanut oil motor?
I give Audi tremendous credit for this shining star of optimism in a dark age:
Sooner or later, makers and designers are going to have to accept that the future is electric, and that the most basic 100 year old assumptions about vehicle form factor and powertrain packaging, which were previously dictated by I/C motors with hardware control interfaces, are all now invalid.
why are you showing Ram trucks in the headline picture?
I’m a bridge engineer and I NEED this sticker. I need ALOT of that sticker.