
Completely ignoring what everyone else is complaining about (but not necessarily disagreeing with a lot of it), I don't get why my Evo browses nice and fast even with Flash enabled, but a big device can't do it. I can only assume my Evo is no faster than anyone else's, and that my experience is common. Okay, I am

@Mike Kerr: I agree with you about the Evo, but lightning should have actually struck you when you got half way through typing anything resembling HTC being a 1-hit wonder...

@Blackright: There's something nice about web pages looking right when you go to them. It's hard to explain, but it's satisfying. It makes you feel like you're compromising nothing to use your mobile device instead of your big laptop or PC—all take and no give. I'll never hit the top speed of my bike, but I like the

I must be watching too much Top Gear, because it took me a sec to notice the stick was on the wrong side!

OK so a bunch of standards people came together to define what 4G means according to them, then a bunch of telecom companies (in essence) came together and defined what 4G means according to them, apparently based solely on the speed boost compared to 3G. Well, guess who has the better marketing? Just concede it and

@FlawedHero: or that failed TV pilot, The Apprentice: Foxconn

HFCS is worse for you than our regular sugar, which is already bad for you. The information about it is everywhere. I applaud the corn industry for furthering Darwinism.

@Diziet_Sma: I am very clear on what you were referring to. I am saying that using simplistic representations of actual biological differences between human males and females to denote that this item is female is natural and necessary across cultures. Normal, healthy women have breasts, and they tend to be

@AndroFanatic: I'm no expert, but I believe a relatively tiny leak that doesn't set off red flags on pressure monitors can still be extremely dangerous, especially since it was apparently going on for days.

@SBM_from_LA: That's actually a great question. It may not apply to this case, but many to come.

Never burn water again!

@Diziet_Sma: *Yawn* It was built by girls. I guess there are other ways to make an inanimate object look like it has a gender, but I'd love to hear what you'd whine about if it had genitalia.

This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. I want one so I could ride around kicking the asses of people riding Segways.

When the Soviet space program rejected my application because my penis was too big, I thought they were just trying to make me feel better. Looking at that receptacle, I'm thinking they may have been serious.

@jacob.kossman: I think those are initials and that the hyphen is not a substitute for an O.

@smegz: If you Google something about syncing music on Android, you get a ton of info. There are many music apps, too. You can even sync iTunes. (I just threw up a little in my mouth typing that last sentence.)

@Mathillan: Actually, you might just be 100% wrong. His answer is, while hyperbole, part of the very logic Steve Jobs uses to justify the tight control Apple keeps on what can be installed on an iPhone. Also, iPhone apps need access to various parts of your phone, too. You just don't get the privilege of seeing what