
“Sexy, but not threatening. Accommodating, but not unchallenging. Sweet, but not boring. Smart, but not intimidating.”

a propos of nothing but the header image, imagine joining the armed services, working your whole life as diligently as possible, dedicating yourself to the goal of protecting the honor and dignity of the president of the united states - and then when you get there, it turns out the president is an orange nutsack of a

Oh and more on the US ambassador to Germany’s decision to promote the alt-right. German politicians are laying in - and my oh my they are good:

/pulls out pencil and pad/

Let’s see, 169 out of 292,000...carry the 4...aaaaaaaaand yep, he’s fucked.

Seriously though, nearly 300,000 documents and non of them strictly legal? Just how many ‘Stormies’ are there out there?

That noise you heard in the DC area was the massive shart Trump let out when this news broke.

The show did a REALLY good job disguising the fact that Anthony Hopkins wasn’t just signed on for one season and done, but rather has an ongoing role with the series. So last week’s final beat had a genuine kick to it.

All conservatism is 100% projection.

I’m reminded that Michael Caputois now looking to nab up Rosanne in order to start up his version of a ‘Conservative-only’ Netflix.

Ambien is the new economic anxiety

Clearly their social media person was hitting the Ambien a little too hard.

Y’know, a narcissistic sociopath is one of the few people that should have an easy time comforting families. You go in, repeat words of condolence you’ve seen others give, get praised by the media. The extra confidence from lacking empathy might even make you seem like a pillar of strength, whereas someone capable of

So is China. So will Canada... it’s almost like the people who work in government jobs in other countries know what the hell they’re doing and aren’t just hiring sycophants and family members to appease the ego of a misshapen sentient boil.

Not that it matters but I never fired James Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt Mainstream Media loves to keep pushing that narrative, but they know it is not true!

It’s hilarious that Britons, who are typically so smug in their assessment of the stupid American voter, are committing economic and geopolitical suicide because of the lies Boris Johnson told them.

thank you, Ian Bremmer

In response to US tariffs, Brussels is playing a smart game by targeting exports from Republican-run states - amongst American exports being considered for EU tariffs are Harley Davidson, Florida orange juice, and American whiskey. The EU is also hauling the US in front of the WTO.

Clapper has now admitted that there was Spying in my campaign. Large dollars were paid to the Spy, far beyond normal. Starting to look like one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history. SPYGATE - a terrible thing!

Almost certainly Michael Cohen funneled some of that sweet cash from AT&T, other companies, and foreign nations to the pockets of Donald J. Trump. What will his followers say when these kinds of facts come out?

So we get a shoutout for Tomi after her hair received some needed hydration IMMEDIATELY after it happened, but the guy who stops a shooting at a Waffle House receives a call 4 weeks later? Seriously, fuck this guy