He may not be able to. Rumor is that Senate leadership have told him they won’t confirm anyone else if he fires Sessions.
He may not be able to. Rumor is that Senate leadership have told him they won’t confirm anyone else if he fires Sessions.
It’s heartbreaking that they won’t care, but think of this: prosecutors and judges will definitely care.
Not only that, but is the length of the approval process really the major factor in why drug prices are so high? I find that hard to believe. It’s like when ACA was being debated and Republicans kept going on about how if we did tort reform and allowed insurance companies to sell across state lines, costs would come…
Yeah, I can totally see the pharma companies saying “you know, now that we’re making more money selling these drugs in other countries, we can sell them cheaper here in the states! It’s our patriotic duty, something shareholders will definitely understand.”
Did you see this? KSM has requested communication with the Senate intel committee, says he has something he needs to tell them regarding Haspel?
Also AT&T just happened to pay Cohen’s shell company $200,000 right before the FCC ruled on net neautrality.
Did they donate to Trump, or any Republican PACs. If so, good. It has to hurt.
You’re not wrong, but also remember that all of this over when he gets voted out or doesn’t finish his term.
That’s what I think as well. I think they promised jobs to a lot of people that they couldn’t or didn’t intend to deliver on, and now some of that is catching up with them.
I think because they just told him he’s not getting a job in the WH. NBC producer said as much. So he’s burning his bridges.
You know, I was watching Westworld last night and thinking to myself: “when the robot uprising does happen, it will be because we deserved it.”
Yeah, I’m sick of that shit. “Oh, if we just be nice to the people in the MAGA hats, they’ll see the error of their ways”. No, they won’t. Electing this...person was a declaration of war by one third of this country on the rest of us. They wanted this war. When you see a Nazi getting punched in the face, remember…
So let me just make sure I understand their strategy with regards to North Korea : add their citizens to the travel ban. Then, decertify the nuclear deal with Iran for no good reason just before meeting with DPRK, then try to convince them if they do a deal it will be honoured. Ok.
I mean, she might be right right about the whole “please everyone stop saying Kanye has lost his mind just because he’s saying crazy sounding shit on Twitter”, but I mean, come on, Kim, we’re just trying to understand. Occam’s Razor: person is saying crazy sounding shit...might it be because they’re crazy?
This obsession with the server is baffling to me. The Russians hacked their accounts, what information is it they think they’re going to find on that server? If I were the DNC, I would say Ok, we’ll turn over our server if the RNC turns over theirs.
The pickles! The sandwich is great, but those pickles.
This should be an easy campaign ad for Democrats: Republicans are fine with abortions when their mistress needs one.
I don’t know if this is true or not, but this girl claims to have info connecting Trump to the sexual assault of a minor in 1993, and that may be what they’re so worried about being uncovered from Cohen’s files. Her Twitter feed has really lit up since last week: https://twitter.com/soychicka/status/986047535964983298?…
I’m not buying the claim that he didn’t pay Cohen. Elliot Broidy paid Cohen $250k for his...services. Hannity paid nothing?
Not to mention that after hearing this guy on NPR this morning, I’m fairly sure the White House intentionally leaked the fake story about his European trip to build a case for firing him, when they really just wanted to fire him because he was opposed to privatizing the VA. That’s shocking.