
There must be more tension in those wires than when slaves were freed in the US.

Geez, i wouldnt want to get caught after sneaking into this movie theater.

Awww i thought you were going to tear apart a DSLR and a turntable and show the actual components.

So then we dont sell the software we sell the product key and throw in the software disc as a gift?

I thought it was known that some departments have quotas while others do not; but thats how it is.

@cbytes: Very true; but the phrase is 'home planet' not simply the word 'home' by itself.

@whatne1wuddo: Another star user targeting the poster and not the content of the subject.

@Ding-Dang: Ah, yes. Me providing the definition was un-needed because being detailed is bad!

You say "home planet" as if humans are on multiple planets already....

@Rontourage: Patent: "an invention or process..."

While i have the choice, ill be chosing airlines that may cost a tad bit more but have that level of human safety.

This reminds me of a very convincing Hypnotoad...

@Barion: I prefer to use the word in its obsolete meaning, much like how the Sears Tower in Chicago is still the Sears Tower.

@HideyoshiJP: The authorities would be showing just cause.

God forbid the government finds out that i am at Hooters when i told everyone on Facebook im at Hooters.

@CaptainJack: Thanks for the FYI, I assumed it was due to the comet burning up by being too close to the Earth, and the tail was it's burnt up parts.

@tomsomething: Ah that explains it then! Thanks for the reply :D

The asteroids are just swamp gas.

Looks like McAfee has a lot of worth (as a simple end user i dont see why since i dont like it and most commentors dont either).

So the Aliens cant read your mind, duh!