
@sentroshi: Good point! usually forget about the little things lol

Man, this data will be so useful; i'm sure SF residents are hoping that the city will release a map with areas of Low- High popularity so they can find new parking spots to go to ;)

@somethinghead: Who hand writes anything anymore? For that matter who prints out paper anymore in schools?

@Ghostnappa9001: No!, you take a screenshot of the user's normal desktop then put all of the icons in a folder in mydocuments or somewhere and delete the icons from the desktop then hide the task bar and set that screen shot you first took as the background pic.

Frash sounds like it was made by Asian developers.

It's almost funny that no matter what part of the world you look at everyone that lives in that area thinks they have it the worst.

@Corrina2008: Yes, but thats only because everyone in the world is truthful :)

"...PC Pro challenged its readers to see whose rig could render a 3D graphics benchmark the quickest."

@Grewal: Uggg, I defend you and you make me look like a fool because you really meant what Kflott read it as!

@Grewal: Yes Adobe is; i have a sneaking idea though that Apple doesnt like to make .pdf work for their products (but they end up doing it) so the implementation probably only goes so far inside their software (hence leading to this security issue).

@kflott: Instead of saying "i dont think" say "i've researched this" but before that research it!

I cant wait for this to go live! My problem is i always manage to hit the mute button, so for about 10 seconds we are both like "hello? are can you hear me?"

@dallasmay: This is @ your "if you assume $4.50/gallon " statement; good idea to multiply the thought into 8 years but lets work with 1 year because multiplication is very easy.

@acidrain69: I think what he was gearing towards was that once you hit that 100 miles for the day you have to wait to recharge.

Ive just finished reading this post and the first thought to my mind is "whats the battery life of the phone going to be with the GPS constantly running in the background".

@qballdz: Yes i totally agree, Chevy Volt's mini 'backup generator' is the reason why i prefer that over the Leaf.

@dallasmay: Show your math please, provide the make/model/ year of the car and lets get down to some realistic numbers.