
@Jeff Goodman: Made basically the same post below haha!

@olugbam: Made basically the same post below haha!

@CaptainJack: ^^ Totally agree! Everything similar needs to fall under an umbrella and those individual items cant be their own god damn umbrella!

HAHA! Adam come on!

Okay i got a "We'll see you at the store." message but it looks so bland i dont know if it is a error or what.

I just got thru! "We'll see you at the store" Looks like Apple's site (since AT&T is fucking up) is allowing you to just go straight to reserve a phone at a retail store.

"(They're sending out one for free to everyone here, supposedly)."

@seven5suited: I dont think anyone is getting a "torch out"; its a warning message for people that own the phone.

Thanks for the heads up Kat; and totally agree " the meantime I'd suggest returning yours if you have noticed problems."

@Sockatume: OH MY GOD i had one of those with the lights built in so i could play it after i told my parents i went to bed.

@Tycho Vhargon: definatly, the aiming visual display (circle with a plus sign) must be programmed so where it lines up is in sync with the accelerometer.

@p.prove: Measuring up-hill should work.

@CaptainJack: Ah okay, i was wondering if maybe since he wanted to get his skin in contact with the oil that it was the crude oil that had started to instantly damage the color of his skin.

Did anyone else think that guy's hands were EXTRA pale?

I wonder when Google will have enough crap to sell us that they will be able to open their own store :P

Sharks with friggen laser beams!

Everyone says that Google = Skynet. Well i think this is the proof. (By everyone i mean some internet people)

@atrus123: ^^ Just about to post the same thing. 3D just seems so over-rated.