Sethatomic Particle

Cisco probably knocked because he was carrying the injured guy and couldn't open the door, or it was locked.

Now I will be incredibly disappointed if/when this doesn't turn out to be true.

I thought the after-show was much less excruciating than the last outing, but the fan questions were offensively mind-numbing.
Still, it must be hard to find topics of conversation on a show where almost everything is a secret that the cast can't talk about.

Same. I guess I'm mundane.

No Character Actress Margo Martindale?

Omg, I saw that but I just now "got" it. The holiday armadillo was a great spokesman for Hanukkah!

Is that a reference to Bojack Horseman? If not, NBD.

Interesting theory, but I thought Stage 2 had something to do with the femtocell. Or maybe that was just an assumption I made.
At any rate, it's hard to believe that an episode with so many revelations people would call boring.

I guess when people hear "I have black friends…" they just jump to conclusions about the speaker and what they are saying. It's unfortunate they didn't actually listen to you.

Well Paul Reiser (a comedian) is probably the reason they offered Jerry Seinfeld a sitcom so…

Did you watch the digital after show? Flipper (Dusty) was a special guest. Along with B.D. Wong

I thought it had something to do with his obsession with kung-fu/martial arts movies.

There wasn't much of interest anyway. They went over some foreshadowing of the prison twist, like shots of Elliot that looked like he had bars behind.

I hope they will explain Ray's motivation and its context because I found it confusing as hell. I know that Esmail said they will explain who Ray is in "the next episode or two"

Esmail said in an interview that what we see actually happened, it's only the setting that's different.
I think it's here:…

"Maybe my brain is weird, but that's the shit I think about after a twist like that." Me too.

They said in the Verge after show that the date used in the episode shows that it's currently two months after 5/9 on the show. (Which in my opinion may be unrealistic given the pace of the justice system and that he is in prison, I believe, so he was already convicted, or made a deal.)

My heart broke too, for that and the "SIN" knuckle tattoo. I was yelling at my TV.
It was cunning of Freddie to sell Naz on their relationship by saying he wanted to learn from Naz's knowledge (i.e., be molded by him) when he was probably planning all along that he would actually mold Naz, into a criminal and convict.

No but he sure glides around in his Pumas.

Frasier did this so well. "The Dinner Party" or "The Innkeepers"