Sethatomic Particle

It seems to me that both Cassidy and Tulip have been his conscience on occasion. I hope they continue to be.

When everyone was complaining about Annville during season 1, I was like wtf are you complaining about?! I loved it. And yes, I thought season 1 was far superior to season 2 (so far).

I swear some of those coffee shop people would just as soon make you stand on a tarp and cap you.


Omg the musically rhythmic gunfight scene made that movie worth the price of admission.

That's so weird, I was just singing that yesterday

I'm pretty sure that's why they cast him.

I kept waiting for mention of Mr. Robot, whose twists in both seasons were predicted in the first episode by at least one very vocal viewer. What's left to do in season 3?

May not have been released, but they probably would've known that the adaptation was in production at Netflix.

I'm sorry, apparently I missed something big. What's Kinja? And are the AV Club comment areas going away?!?

Whoah, there's no need for such hostility and name-calling.

I'm glad you mentioned "A surprising amount of very dark humor in this one"…I kept finding myself laughing and not knowing if I should be. And yes, my favorite line was, "Oh man, I hate stonings."

Yes I'm surprised the reviewer didn't mention that conversation in the limo. Maybe it's because she's read the book, but it was surprising and appalling to me how they nonchalantly planned the handmaid institution with nary a religious motive. Until now I’d assumed that they had religious intentions. Maybe that was

Especially because he expected her to enjoy it

Or a retirement-aged Thelma & Louise! Somebody write the script!

I don't think any of the streaming services publically release viewer data. I don't know why not. I wish they would.

Thank you, thank you! I'm not the only one who remembers this! "Scientific explanation". This made it so hard for me to trust the showrunners and even understand the show. The smoke monster has a scientific explanation? Please.

FX lets the showrunners decide how long each episode is, so they don't have to cut anything they don't want to (I think the max is 90 minutes). It's a respectably artistic choice.

You're hired!

A lot of us keep watching hoping it will get better. Personally I was watching hoping Negan would get killed by Shiva, but of course I was disappointed.