Seth Larson

just posted the same above…he's great and very cool abilities. Very much a Warren Ellis character.

I always liked Map in the comics…

Preacher is really fantastic and the defining Ennis title as Sandman was for Gaiman and Transmetropolitan was for Ellis. I highly recommend it! …Unless you're easily offended, then I highly suggest avoiding it.


that's kind of what happens to the character. He basically deteriorates into a complete degenerate, but when he started (Swamp Thing) he's really kind of a good guy.

The Demon Constantine is a nice Easter Egg. they say something like, ' Here's something from your future.' and that character has a pretty big role in screwing up Constantine's life a couple of times. I hope they work that plot thread in.

I really like the Carey run, major turning point for Constantine and where things start getting really dark. I think he did "All his Engines" which is an awesome one-shot, and one of my all-time favorite stories (….