Great Artiste

Who the hell picked THAT musical to do at your high school. You're kidding, right? They would have been better off doing Fiddler on the Roof. Less embarrassing IMO, and I'm Jewish. SMH. What was next? Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street? Unabridged and uncensored too?

Your'e using the wrong anachronistic term. "Filming" is not live. Are you talking about a movie? I would use the term airing or broadcasting in this case. Were you watching something recorded last night? No, it was LIVE. I agree with what you're saying, just not how you express it.

People forget history. Television started out as a live medium, very little went out over the air as filmed entertainment. The one big early filmed hit that comes to mind was I Love Lucy. The height of live television was during the 1950's before the invention and wider use of videotape. The prime time content

How do you know, have you ever tried it?

I just hate seeing spammers everywhere, don't you?

I'm glad you like defending bots. You're so easily amused.

Go fuck a rolling donut

SPAM!!! You should be terminated with extreme prejudice, before your pestilence spreads any further.