Wild Card

Truly a man ahead of his time.

God damn, I forgot about the apartment for cats.

This man took a game Americans didn’t care about and built an apartment for cats in Trump Tower. His legacy is gonna hold up just fine.

Let’s not forget he was so gluttonous that he became like 400 lbs and had to wear adult diapers and ride a rascal because there was literally no food, woman, bribe or drug he could say no to.

The weight of the cart can flatten out the grass a bit and mess with how putts roll. It ain’t cool.

It’s the equivalent of wearing golf cleats on the court in pickup basketball.

Okay, but people pay $300K for memberships to his golf course. If I invite you over to my house for Christmas and take a dump on the rug, sure it’s technically still my call, but I’m also a huge dick for doing so.

Can we just play through this Presidency?

My uncle’s response when I told him about this:
“It’s his course”

Why would he? Man only has finite energy reserves, you want him to waste that valuable resource on walking while he golfs? sad.

“I wanted to give him a chance. He seemed like a real winner, but this has gone too far.” - At least one of my uncles.

Why is there a toad sitting next to Louie CK?

It should be noted that Robert Davis was sentenced to prison for embezzling money from the Highland Park School District - a district in worse shape than Detroit. Davis doesn’t give a shit about public money unless he’s the one on the receiving end.

What, you don’t think dumping $300 million into a stadium in a city that is still struggling financially is a great idea? What are you, a Commie?

My sister is single and she says no Trump supporters in her Tinder profile. Not because she wouldn’t date a Republican, but because it’s the easiest way to stave off guys who live in the suburbs.

Yeah, supporting Trump is not a political issue. It’s a simple matter of decency.

Talked to Tomi in a bar here in Dallas. No one would/could turn down the one night stand with her. Super nice, even better looking in person.

Yeah. If you still support Trump at this point, you are either a racist fool or a paid Russian racist fool.

A slow-building routine, but you nailed the landing. 9.6

Now playing

I’d like to think a photo op with Trump and an NBA player would play out like this.