HAHAHA these commercials look and sound like their advertising to 3 year olds!
HAHAHA these commercials look and sound like their advertising to 3 year olds!
does that fact that your putting forth an opinion on this matter mean you should stfu too?
to be fair Apple has been working on their maps app for at least the last 4 years.
Sorry but I couldn't help myself, and anytime I cant get Levar Burton or reading rainbow into a comment its been a good day.
does that 30% include revenues from all the iPhone 5's that ships with iOS 6? cause that would be a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
So Apple Can Copy but Samsung cant? there's a little bit of a double standard here don't you think? the design of the clock has been trade marked and copyright'ed just like the designs of the iPhone icons.
I'm sure the 5 will be different but the 4 and 4s screens you can get for around 30 bucks, I've repaired a number of cracked screens and after the first couple its really not that hard. but it will be even easier if I dont have to remove everything form the phone before I can take the screen off
Winner, just; wow your the winner.
The real advancements are going to have to come in the form of software improvements and innovations, I think we've about reached the Peak when it comes to hardware. honestly I've used the SIII and find it to be not much better (read faster) than my Galaxy Nexus running Jelly Bean. the difference here is the…
the joke wasn't that the screen was getting bigger, it was that it was just getting taller. It went up but didn't get any wider, to me the iPhone 5 looks kinda odd with the new screen.
Honestly as far as Android phones go I don't plan on buying anything but Samsung.
If only I could afford to do that I totally would haha
Dont forget the camp that just doesn't want to.
Not to start a flame anything but the ear-buds that came with the Galaxy Nexus were pretty on point. they weren't like OMG I"m selling my Bose headphones good, but they had rubber ends (like you should) fit well (like you should) and didn't sound like Utter shit (like you...well shouldn't I guess). I'm inclined to…
Whatever they do, make it an open platform with comparable drivers, so the webos-internalz community can port open webOS to it, if they do that and the phone is decent, I'll buy one.
Its a network thing, because LTE phones use separate networks (AT&T uses GSM & LTE, Verizon and Sprint use CDMA & LTE) voice and data are run separately. using it on 3G however I think is a phone thing, but I'm not sure.
with LTE you can talk and surf with Verizon too.
phones that have wireless charging can also be charged in the traditional way. I loved my touchstone for my Pre2 and its honestly one of the features about the 920 that has caused me to consider it for my next phone.
obviously more than they showed, but honestly; probably less than you might think, people in general, apple fans or not; are kinds dumb.