I personally liked the one where they were hold their phone, and the "iPhone 5" and couldn't tell they were the same phone
I personally liked the one where they were hold their phone, and the "iPhone 5" and couldn't tell they were the same phone
that may be true, but I would think we should get more innovation than no innovation. Apple didn't announce anything in yesterdays event that you cant already get in an Android phone or a Windows Phone 7 phone. they made it bigger and added LTE...yawn been done before. wheres the wow factor?
I have the same arrangement with my job; 8-4 with no lunch, I love it and wouldn't give it up even for a slightly longer lunch.
Cant give what you don't have
they can have it, they would only get 50 some bucks a month
Provided your phone is new enough that is; and even if you do get the latest update you might not be getting all the shiny new features. I mean you might get one; but not both of them.
In that case, Now Samsung can sue Amazon for infringing on their design to make up for some of the money lost in the Apple case.
I would have to agree.
Because if you don’t know what an iPod Touch is called, you might as well throw your law degree out the window?
Yeah I read this, seems pretty pejorative to me, just like Apple customers; doing just what apple tells them without reading anything first.
I agree, it’s not the products so much that I don’t like, they may be old and slightly stale, but they are solid. It’s the tactics of the company that turn me off, it’s that reason why I'll never give my money to apple again. Innovation through litigation is not the way to win over knew customers; and definitely…
" and Jobs& Company had a desire, dare I say - a mission - to eliminate confusion for the masses of stupid people in the world, ignoring of course those whom are already their customers"
Agreed, if I'm reading this right, it says the jury didn't even answer all the questions; it looks like they gave a blanket judgment based on the first phone they looked at. This needs to be thrown out.
Not this, this doesn't show all the comments, this just dows the direct replies to Tycho123, I want to be able to see all the comments in one place like before.
Its better, but I still preferred the original system, where I could see what everybody said in one location without having to leave the page. I much preferred being able to expand replies rather than leave the page and have to go back.
I tend to agree with you completely, and on the whole; its not Giz so much as it is Sam, he seems to hate the Note yet continues to report on it.
Right, and the way I read the Verge article is that he did return it once he found out; but I honestly dont know.
The title is rather misleading, the clown didn't take the iPad, he was given the iPad from the person who did take it.
Agreed, besides, most of the components they provide for the iPad would not have really done much to indicate the thinness of the tablet, which is what seems to be this issue. The tablets themselves look nothing alike, ones default orientation is portrait and the other landscape, wide screen vs not. I honestly don’t…
well thats good, so what was he talking about in the article when he said that there was no on screen notification of a message?