this may be true, I dont know, I sold my iPhone right around the time iOS5 dropped.
this may be true, I dont know, I sold my iPhone right around the time iOS5 dropped.
yeah, its nice; made Spotify all that much better.
right, thats what I love about my Gnex.
The only thing I had issue with (well not really issue) is the on screen notification of a txt, that was always one of the things I hated about my iPhone when I had it, I'd much rather my phone vibrate and a summary of the msg scroll in the status bar without interrupting what I’m doing so I can decided if I want to…
I just think they were saying it’s a piece of crap relative to the other Samsung phones out there.
I don’t know, this might be a good thing to get kids instead of an iPod touch or something; for music at least. I can’t even count any more the number of times my sister has gotten mad at her kids for breaking the screen on the iPod they just got :/. Or for like a camping MP3 player, it looks like it has a speaker. …
Lost in translation? maybe things didn't come out right?
+1 to you; I agree completely
The the title should read;
"Many of the children were drafted from high schools for "summer employment" during high demand production phases—a common practice at Foxconn, too. The stories of the children speak for themselves"
You: "I just love how whenever people run out of arguments in fights light these it always resorts to "you must be a fanboy" or "glad you aren’t a fanboy" or something to that effect."
That is a much better portrayal of your intent, I agree that people should be a little more informed before they try and inform; I just struggle with blatantly unnecessary remarks such as the one we are discussing. However I am also very happy when someone acknowledges that something should not have been said, and…
Well don’t worry, I’m sure Samsung will be happy to paint a little "house" on their home buttons in future so Apple can stop crying and take their nap. this is getting nearly as ridiculous as the real fight between the parties that are actually involved; Last post on this topic from me thanks.
so you have an Xperia; big woop; I just love how whenever people run out of arguments in fights light these it always resorts to "you must be a fanboy" or "glad your aren’t a fanboy" or something to that effect. The point is; yes Samsung phones are black and rectangular, yes some of them have a center home button, no…
Um, the phone in the image above is an HTC Droid Incredible...the home button on that phone is more "iPhoney" than any Samsung phone, Just saying...and the phone in the article image is a prototype with no face buttons that was being designed prior to 07. The one Samsung phone that you showed did have a home button,…
Well your comment was well informed and concise, and even though the information contained therein is correct, you lost all credibility with your last sentence; you are what are wrong with the Internet.
I know right, then I could put my sisters old 80's syle banana hair clip over my eyes and pretend I'm a young levar burton!
Ha, but I"m not the one that said they were similar, I was just giving name to the OS on ST; thats all.
Um, if you think this case is insignificant than your an internet idiot; the implications of this case are mindboggling. If apple wins then they are well on their way to becoming a monopoly that makes the Microsoft of the 90’s look like a corner lemonade stand.