It would but Apple is one of the largest exporter of Jobs there is, ever heard of Foxconn?
It would but Apple is one of the largest exporter of Jobs there is, ever heard of Foxconn?
Um, I repair phones and computers; people have them repaired all the time and it often takes a bit of convincing when I think it actually is best to replace something. People don’t want to have to buy all new when something breaks and why the hell should they have too?
These companies would not even be in court if apple didn't think it invented the rectangle (obvious over simplification, feel free mock me on it)
Um, there were rectangular windows tablets out (as in, on the market) LONG before the first iPad prototype was more than a twinkle in Jobs eyes.
That is the problem, at this point she has created, at the very least grounds for an appeal; at most grounds for a mistrial. So now we are going to waste the next 3 weeks with this "rehearsal" and then when Samsung/apple appeals the decision we will do this dance again.
its called LCARS; dont know why I wanted to share but I did.
The period of time you’re talking about is called discovery, however evidence can be submitted at any point during a trial; it’s up to the judge to rule if its admissible. Generally new evidence is only deemed inadmissible if the way in which it was procured is questionable. It’s a common belief (not saying it’s…
No, assemble was not, but restaurants also don’t sell raw meat or vegetables do they? Just like Apple doesn't sell a logic board and call it an iPhone, the assembly was implied.
Your response is actually rather asinine. Restaurants may not grow the products but they at least cook the food, apple doesn't even assemble the parts once their made. And that is the point that is being made above.
Not wrong, but you can’t imagine that given the current climate either Apple or Samsung have any desire to continue to do business together. Apple has just moved on to a company that their not yet suing.
I think he was just commenting on the fact that the news was big; and not in direct response to your comment.
that, if I"m not mistaken is the unlocked EU version of the Galaxy S2, which is not at issue in this case (to be honest none of the Galaxy S line is, just the Nexus which looks the least like an iPhone out of all of them).
thats a droid X and looks nothing like your other two examples, wow your just dripping with fanboism
HTC you dolt, not relevent.
what? your talking crazy talk.
Did you miss my point about the iPad being King? With the exception of the iPhone being behind the times I don’t have a problem with apple products on the whole, just the company and their tactics. Plenty of companies are successful without having to sue their competition into the ground. But that’s just my personal…
Everybody keeps saying she has sided with Samsung multiple times...when? I'm not being derisive; I just can’t think of anything (of substance any way) that she has sided with Samsung on.