Seth Bailey

To whoever that was that deleted their comment, no, I'm just saying that maybe if you're making The First Pro-Gay Rights Hip Hop Song™, don't spend the first verse doing one big tactful "no homo" to try to hedge your bets and save street cred because "oh noes what if hip hop fans accidentally think I'm gay am i rite!?"

I'm shocked - shocked, I tell you! - that the dude who spent half of his pro-marriage equality anthem making sure we all know how straight he is would go on to dress up as a 1938 RMVP poster to do a song about the benefits of being stingy with your money.

Also, it may be ugly to consider, but even if porn was proven to be objectively degrading, it is still more empowering to allow women the *choice* (without coercion) to do something degrading then to prevent them from doing it — the latter option being about as "empowering" as not letting women vote or have careers… I

My personal, subjective basis for what makes a "good" or "bad" feminist is how much the individual actually advocates for women to have freedom of expression and the ability to make their own decisions, own their own lives, own their own sexuality and express it how they want. Yes, porn could certainly be described as

This is essentially slut shaming, but with the added twist is that having sex isn't necessarily dirty or whatever (as is the "point" of slut shaming I guess) but that it enables the patriarchy. It's a pretty new wrapper on a dumb line of fringe thought that has been debunked before. She may not be anti-porn, as

Sorry if that wasn't sound bite-y enough, but seriously, this was the dumbest shit the first time around and I'm annoyed that it's even remotely "a thing" again.

Sex-positive, cis gendered male feminist here. "Sex-negative feminism" is essentially an attempt to put a fresh coat of paint on women slut shaming other women for owning their sexuality and is trying to pass itself off as mainstream feminist thought as an attempt to legitimize it. We've been here before with Andrea