
You ever see The Truman Show?

Wait... You want him to use a secure phone to make public tweets?

IMO this technology is stupid and dangerous .

Sorry, but...

Sorry, but...

Actually, Ubuntu used to annoy me quite a bit when it came to installing certain things. Trying to compile programs and get them to work can be a PITA, when you just want it to work.
On the other hand, Mint makes me pretty happy (also it’s the first OS I’ve done a “dist-upgrade” on that didn’t break!)

I think if I was a gamer, I might be using Windows.
Not sure that Steam is so good. Just running a recent FPS on my current dual core laptop was worse than Unreal Tournament on my old dual P100 back in the late 90s!

Yeah, package managers can give some trouble. I usually prefer apt.
Did you try :
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Linux has certainly come a long way in 20 years.


Yeah, you can be friends with a big, hairy dude.

Just in case anybody missed it - the latest acronym is SCROTUS (So-Called Ruler of the US)

(“..and I don’t have pee stains on my tie..”)

Hey, aren’t you being a bit tangerine-ist?

Bahaha, but it can buy you a weird, auto-tune singing voice machine thingy.

Phew! At first glance I thought that said Tomatoes...

If you want to avoid snot/spit, human/animal poop, blood, broken glass, empty naggins/beer cans, decomposing filthy nappies, general household garbage, discarded medical products, as well as the type of people that leave all that stuff in the street, don’t come to Ireland.
*makes note - “Next time, visit Scotland”*

Totally blew the experiment by doing the job while wearing spectacles.

Shit, now I have to make my own ice-skate.