

It is a bit shocking that these scientists are probably aware of things like “cytokine storms”, “immunopathology” or even the “Jarisch-Herxmeimer reaction”, yet these deaths are still happening.
edit - I forgot to mention tumor lysis syndrome.

I was reading this thing where they said “We don’t know this. We don’t know that. We can’t figure out this, and this other thing.. well we have no idea about, AND SO EVERY PIECE OF EVIDENCE TELLS US THIS IS FAKE”.
Stop the world. I’m getting off.

Now playing

Meh. If I want novelty, I go to the dollar store.
Also, Apple customers - this:

What makes me laugh is the vaping jargon, e.g:

“... most digital mods have 5 as a top limit and you risk burning up your unit if you are trying to sub ohm at that level”

There’s no way I’d touch the shit, in any case.


So, give them CSF shunts.

The main difference is really chronic vs acute effects and there is usually an overlap in symptoms. The studies could be done with doses relative to subject weight (for example) but you would have to wait much longer for results.

Say what you want. I’ll never touch the shit.

It should be pronounced “Mad Shelia?” (with the upward inflection at the end of the sentence, as the Australians do it).
“I was driving along the other day? And I saw a dog run out across the road? And I swerved.. and luckily I missed it? So yeah...”

Actually, people are dumb. Dogs know what they know.

Yep, you nailed it :)

Major problem with that car - everyone can see you driving it..

Since everyone is showing off, here’s my current solution:

Yep, then put out electrical fires!lol

Or the 220 coupe (nicer but a few more $)

Yep, you’re right. Get yourself my last car -

Deleting the Facebook App Could Save Up to 20 Percent of Your Android’s Battery Life

Gimp can be set up very similar to Photoshop. You just need to be bothered doing the config once (because that’s as many times as you need to do it).
Photoshop has long been my favourite piece of software (although I never had to pay for it), but I use gimp equally as happily.

There’s a better, non-invasive way to do it and provide faster communication.