
We haven’t come far, sadly, as far as fuel economy goes.
Last trip home to visit my family, my father bought me a cheap 90's model Toyota Corolla to get about in. I worked out the mileage after several thousand kms of driving and it was about 62mpg. I wasn’t driving like a nana, either.
Bring on the electric vehicles, I

Well, if they socket their CPU & GPUs, there would be a nice upgrade path.
When a new chip comes out, upgrade and get better speed and longer battery life.
Still runnning my old dual core laptop, but I could at least swap the T4200 out for a T9300.
GPU isn’t that critical - if you want serious graphics performance, run

Somebody’s probably already said it but - Should’ve just slid a Samsung Note 7 in there..

Did someone really stand there and count how many squishes?

All they need to do now is stop killing dogs and smashing guitars.

Wow, that sucks. But you got lucky - you got a good mum :)

I was about to say you dodged a bullet, then I read further and now I can say you dodged a bullet, and she did too..

I know this is probably redundant at this stage, but he is a horrible cunt.
Also, America, if you vote this guy in, you deserve all the shit you are gonna get as a result.

Damn. Thoughts of Kelly Bundy all over again..

I’ll second that.
And tell me where this lab is, so I can order my own clone.

Isn’t it shocking that you’re not allowed a relationship with more than one person?


Still rockin my Noka E7. Aw yeah.
Not because it’s retro, but because I’ve had it for ages and I can’t force myself to upgrade.. just.. yet..
(Still has the original, unexploding battery, too!)

My favourite any-pocket wallet. Currently holding 5 cards but easily scales to accept more. The special purple band detaches - this gives you the extra “money-roll” module which can be stored alongside the card module or separated off to a secondary pocket.

My favourite any-pocket wallet. Currently holding 5 cards but easily scales to accept more. The special purple band

You’re a moron.

HAH! That was awesome.

Aw, jeez now I feel a little stoopid. Didn’t know this existed.
There I was, using that little download plugin and ffmpeg..