
Let me get this straight. This is a high level gangster, correct? Which means he is probably responsible for the deaths of innocent people, correct? So why are we applauding this? here’s an idea. find ANYBODY else who is saying the exact same thing and applaud them for their words. Not some sick sociopath.

WHAT?!?! NU UH!!!! Completely shocked something like this could happen.

I didn’t realize the Avatar monsters were black. Guess i have to do more studying on alien...wait for it...RACES!

it’s theroot! How dare you question the racist allegations put forth on this site!?

What is “you know what?”

Got confused when I saw the old white cowboy up top. This is theroot right? Someone’s probably gonna get fired for that one

Maybe it was the ninja cops! The sneaky ones noone knows about yet. Or maybe it was the alien cops!! Or ILLEGAL ALIEN COPS!?!?! Either way, IT WAS THE COPS!!!! RIGHT?!?!?!

You dont have to tell us you’re being honest. It’s become amusingly obvious how close minded you are. All you have to do is say “That’s refreshing”, we get it that you really mean it lol.

I think your tin foil is on too tight.

She also hates Americans and America....or did we all forget that one?

It’s like something from one of my fever dreams!!! Fucking terrifying! Please make it stop!!!

Bt she is a Trump!!! It cant be!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck yes! Voltron! i miss my Voltron shoes from gradeschool!!!

Hence the whopping 3 replies! Priorities and ownership!!!

i hope nobody thought you were a piece of shit when you were a kidb ecause you grew up thinking you knew everythiing as a teenager. One of my friends growing up was racist and we always tried to get him to quit that shit. He did. he’s not a piece of shit. were you?

you can on theroot

sshhhh, you’re on theroot. That stuff just slips through the cracks.

Sorry, I didn’t laugh during an extremely racist piece. And neither would you, if you mean everything you usually say.

Yeah! Fuck Lincoln...right? wait, what ?!

dude, its theroot. Your voice doesnt matter