This game can be made, but one based on flying X-wings and TIE fighters can’t?
This game can be made, but one based on flying X-wings and TIE fighters can’t?
My own suspicion is that most people calling chain pizza “garbage” couldn’t distinguish it from pizza of the same type from whatever local joint they prefer in a true blind taste test.
So in a few weeks they’re going to do the thing guild wars 2 has done for 5 years...?
Church goers are racist hypocrites. What a shock!
Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime
Except, y’know, Bernie has facile policies.
It’s natural to resist change but keep in mind this dash and car has been simplified. Everything is controlled through that revolutionary screen. Updates too.
I think the ending would have worked better if they had swapped places with the epilogue and the ending. It would have driven home the point a bit better.
So, one of your constant, ongoing beefs with MLS is that it’s a league of mediocre talent and over-the-hill stars looking for one last payday (which is true), but as soon as they acquire a truly gifted player in his prime, your answer is... send him back? Jesus, Billy, you’re so far up your own ass with this MLS hate…
You, really need to learn to spell, learn the number for the emergency services in the UK and finally maybe open a book on British culture. You speak of running an England, entirely ignoring the fact he is also prime minister of 3 other countries in the UK. The only bit that actually makes much sense in this…