Video about ‘amazing sound design’ - of course apply stock music and voice-over all the way through.
Video about ‘amazing sound design’ - of course apply stock music and voice-over all the way through.
Given over to “the drug cartel”? No there’s not. It’s amazing that you can believe that.
“Saying with confidence” which classes are more fun when you don’t even have elective mode turned on to make your own builds... jesus kotaku
damn it’s super cringey that kotaku writer comparing the classes doesn’t know about elective mode
Damn how thin skinned are you? It was an open undefended layup get over it.
using worst quality gifs humanly possible for some reason
“Most people don’t do it” isn’t a valid argument when discussing which path is best. We aren’t talking about most people - we’re talking about which path is best.
Google this thing called adblock plus. Removes youtube ads ;)
Definitely slightly offside.