
No, but maybe because tournante is already a word, and would more accurately be translated as something like a ‘pass around,’ since outside of the concept of rape it just means something being rotated, turned, etc. It could be seen as a little glib considering the type of violation it is.

If anyone can sympathize with trainwreck movies with awful reviews, it’s Adam Sandler.

This is actually super useful Short, my partner and I have a similar difference and this is a positive review of an ingenious and thoughtful approach.

...when you say JLaw “[broke] her vagina” are you talking about when she injured her diaphragm?

The diaphragm is the main muscle involved in breathing. I think you may be thinking of the birth control device, which is not what Jennifer Lawrence tore.

I’m almost afraid to ask what happened to JLaw’s vag?

My husband and I used to have this problem. If we have a stressor, I want to discuss it to death and he wants to leave it alone until he’s ready. We finally agreed on a ten minute venting session where I can let fly, and then we put it away. It’s been surprisingly good for me, he’s much less stressed, and we don’t

“How would you like to publicly discuss your bad promo tour on a trainwreck of a movie that led to a painful break-up?”

His resignation statement leaves so many unanswered questions, like:

There was an SNL sketch years ago about Bill Clinton and Paula Jones, and she described herself as a ‘stay-at-home actress’.

O!--varian funny, you guys!

I certainly found it cervixable.

“I wish I was licking this off your pussy.” he chooses to pursue his recreational time is his own fucking business.

Not quite related, but I remember a bit player in a minor scandal who stated her ambition was to be “an aspiring actress”.

Well, this is embarrassing

Guys, I’ve snorted coke off of a pussy. I didn’t really get all that hy, men.

“a model based out of Las Vegas” is probably how her parents describe at Thanksgiving before everyone quickly changes the subject.

He hasn’t sat down in the past 48 hours.

Well, I’m sure he stood for the anthem, so there’s no problem here.