Yinzers wear Steelers gear (like, head to toe) every single day, regardless of what they’re doing. You’d swear they’re about to go to a game, but nope, it’s Saturday morning in July and they’re just walking around the Strip looking for more cheap Steelers shit to buy.
As someone who’s only been to redneck Florida, I have to ask, “Isn’t that Miami’s sandwich you’re talking about?”
wow, makes u think.
They were 12-4 two seasons ago, most of your narrative could only be applied to last season, and if you think someone seeks out broken collarbones, your house might be missing some paint chips.
You got trolled, though.
Having heard first-hand accounts of how the South Bend police handle other, whiter Notre Dame athletes with similar “they assaulted us” tactics, I’m going to say that there’s at least the realistic possibility they pulled that here.
When you can’t get free agents to sit down at the table so you can disrespect them with lowball offers, you have to do the next best thing and try to publicly shame your first round pick into kissing the 1963 AFL Championship ring.
Good job, good effort