
You think that’s bad? I keep hearing about some rich guy saying America’s full of losers, worse than the worst war zones, that we’re run by crooked liars, that Russia’s great, etc. Really traitorous stuff. Of course the guy’s American, going after his own kind. Sad!

I think everyone should just come to the concourse and make it New Gawker.

I asked you to keep our conversations private. Enjoy growing your unibrow.

Horniest team? The Swiss, you idiot.

Don’t be sad. Harambe would've wanted it this way. He loved low hanging fruit.

Mistakes were made.

People still pay attention to Peter King?

Asshole apologizes for tweet, not for actually driving in bike lane.

LAWYER: You can never go back to Brazil.
Lochte: Man, but I really enjoyed Europe!

IOC spokesman (pictured); ‘ didn’t happen, everything’s fine.’

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.


This sounds like a classic case of “Consuming British Food”

Wow, the Brits really do gamble on everything.

Parzival sounds like the name of the anti-venom they should be giving him.

This is why dressage is not a sport. Michael Jordan would have gone out there.

With a fever that high, I guess it shows that even Olympic horses can be too hot to trot.

*eyes widen. Monocle drops into teacup.*

But he was the glue that held the team together!

Never drink and Pokemon. Your aim will go to shit.