If you like those, check out Clint Mansell. Especially the “Moon” sound track.
If you like those, check out Clint Mansell. Especially the “Moon” sound track.
I got one of those button pressed light switches with a timer. There is a button for 1, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 60 min. I thought this would be awesome because I would never forget to turn off the light. The thing is, there is no permanent ‘on.’ So at max, I get an hour. It feels like one of those racing arcade games where…
As someone who works with hadoop+pig and twitter’s api on a daily basis, I can tell you it’s much easier that you might think.
I only watch Formula 1, Bundesliga and NHL... I feel like this is a trick question.
The commissioner of my league refused to let me draft Kap in the 16th round as a sign of support. Ironically, he has the Hawks D. Can’t wait to see what he has to say if this happens!
F1 with a force feedback wheel. FTW code masters put out solid games.
Infinite Jest. (I’m kidding)
Hamilton, how am I supposed to read when I’m busy watching super hero movies?!?!?!
Is this what you were thinking Ash... you pervert. Un-grey me plz!
That is totally that pokemon that keeps on showing up in my ‘sightings’ but it’s dark because I’ve never seen it before.
Agreed, let Phelps get his headline when it’s over and they tally up the medals. That night belonged to one person and they fucked it up.
No phintastic??????? WTF. Seriously tho, IronMikeG, basically summed up why I fell in love with this site. And gawker media in general. Remember when there were flame wars just because we appreciated being stared and would defend the site we were stared on? Now it’s just people talking shit that don’t have anything…
Just an FYI, the nearby thing never stopped working. The top left was always closest to you and the bottom right was furthest away. Get off you ass and walk around. Instead of checking poke vision and jumping in your car.
Getting real-time geolocation with this many users is a lot harder than writing a blog post complaining about it. Got any suggestion?
Golduck has the water gun too! I just checked and it’s at a 6. Was it a 10 before?
The Macarena is a piece of art compared to who let the dogs out and that hanson song.
I’m doing the NYC Marathon in November. Loading up on incubators for that!