Servo Academy

You’re of course right. I was just too excited to have an excuse to stop working for a minute and look it up. I regret nothing!

the most important investigative journalism of 2018. thank you for your service 

“What occurred at St. Mary’s Parish this morning does not reflect …”

Before I watched the video, I thought you were joking.

really underselling the “throwing chips? that’s a tasing” interaction

It may be D+20, but Fox News would have everyone believe it’s MS-13.

And thats entirely because the base of the Deomcratic party is far more left than its current politicians and the Reps know it. Its amazing what actually representing your base does, rather than simply paying it (at most) lip service.

This is my new favorite thing.

Chef: MY MOM

He’s a publicly known person, bruh. A phone number doesn’t dox someone.

connecting with public officials is acceptable. it isn’t ‘doxing’. don’t be afraid. reach out. regularly. make them delete/remove whatever shit you throw at them. then send some more. they get paid to do nothing except for mayhem. we all know mayhem isn’t about insurance... it’s about blood letting criminals in

It’s not doxxing if it’s a public servant who is not answering to the people. Go fuck yourself.

Glad you understand the rules. Now go fuck yourself.

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with nazis.

I used to work for a boss that went the other direction. Everything was a priority. Except for the “high priority” assignments. And the “super high priority” assignments. And the “triple hi pri” (so high she couldn’t write out the words!) tasks. I think she had 5 levels of high priority.

Seriously. Getting an email from your manager that consists of the single sentence “See me when you get in” is panic attack inducing, and then it turns out he just wants you to call so and so in such and such department to ask them when their part of the project is going to be done. You couldn’t have put THAT in the

Worked phone sales for a while, it was wholesale so we knew the customers well enough and they were knowledgeable with the product (although we would sell retail to call ins, fuck the general public I hate you)

My new boss at my new gig noticed I didnt have a phone at my desk, I told him as politely as I could, that I

I had a boss who would email me, tagged high priority, with “Come see me.” Holy shit, man, I just got fired, I’m fucking fired, why the fuck would my boss send that, oh shit what am I going to do about insurance, and by the time I’d get to his office he’d smile and cheerfully ask “Hey, how are things going? What’s the

I spent five and a half years working for a founder who was pathologically afraid of leaving a paper trail. I emailed him at least once a day. I’d be amazed if, in five years, I received more than thirty replies. If he responded at all, it was via phone ... which was really not good because every single call turned in

I have a client who pulls this nonsense. I email them and within two minutes my phone is ringing. Even explaining that I emailed them because I need a written response doesn’t work.