
So how many profile pages have you visited while upvoting tonight.

Here for Anomalisa!

Chile! Cachai!

How did they know who won!

They never learn.

NO! It is that bad.

THE MINIONS WILL INVADE the stage, you guys

Embarrassing! Where's Wall-E?

These are the most humorless oscars in a while. Everyone's bombing.

*foot in mouth*

Not with Mad max there

We're never giving you an Oscar. Here, have a montage.

Montage was all pewwww peewie, too, but I get it. :)

Nor it should.

So it's an award for the same thing ?

Mad Maxers >>>> Beliebers

Peewee peewee pewwww

Into Liev's mouth!!!!

I would go on the Sam Smith diet but I don't want to ruin karaoke for me.

I'm not paying attention to the live blog. I'm so brave !