I'm disappointed I thought it was going to say RESIGN
I'm disappointed I thought it was going to say RESIGN
it might come down to directing. Amy was trying to get intense and rapid fire feelings she might not be able to convey.
I disagree. I imagine Trinity had seen Sasha perform somewhere else before the finale, and knew what she had in her.
Thanks for trusting us and saying that.
Sort of lifted from Lucille's PriceClub (or whatever it was) photo session.
When she talked about "deconstructing" the rainbow flag as some sort of deep and previously unheard of thought I rolled my eyes. But I do like her.
Hufff. Catalan isn't a "dialect", it's a language.
It did feel particularly self sabotage-y
Plus: "Edifying"? Come on, try harder.
I though he said: "I need a dick!"
I thought that she realised right then and there that she could do it alone. She saw the mom on the box taking care of the baby on her own and thought: yeah, I can do this. I don't need crazy Adam.
It's like she was trying to find the most expensive-looking thing in her closet to seem like she DIDN'T really need to pawn anything, while ending up looking tacky and desperate.
No worries! I did find the scene funny the first time but when you start thinking of the implications it really is "problematic" as they say. But shying away from controversy was never Almodovar's trademark.
The guy was an escaped convict with mental issues and he wasn't apologizing. He did rape his sister when he was young but also the farm animals.
That's funny because the only time I've seen her she seemed a little cold to me. Sure, she joked around, but everything seemed over-rehearsed and the songs sounded just like the album versions-to a fault. It felt like I was in my living room listening to her. Which I think would be a compliment for any other artist…
The new song is gorgeous.
Almodovar is a sort of expert on that.
Thank YOU.
Amy is such a self centered creator that she is looking at the show through hers and only her vision. I can just imagine her scoffing at every criticism and refusing to accept that her decisions have tainted a character forever.
I took a 6 hour train to see him last year fearing he would cancel. But he didn't. I got lucky I guess.