
It wasn't actually Linda from Purchasing's "big sister" but her sorority sister, correct? I don't think they were actually related.

Maybe this has been said, but did anyone catch Jimmy standing under the "Crazy 8" store at the mall???

I had a similar experience in my family. I couldn't agree with you more.

ER was on for so long and I loved it. Glad to see it's finally back on TV. But not everyone knows about it. My college-age daughter watches Grey's (she streamed all of the previous seasons) and is not familiar with ER. Some of Grey's fans are a little too young for it.

The tags on Jack's car when he was driving to Rebecca said 1996. I noticed it because it's the year my daughter was born.

I really don't think Josh's true calling is being a priest. Although he had a slight moment of self-awareness with the female volunteer, I seriously doubt he is doing this for the "right" reasons.

"You know she owns tap shoes." Made me giggle out loud.

I love Scott Michael Foster. Miss Chasing Life so much. So happy to see him here!

My son is a freshman in high school and I make his lunch and do his laundry, although he also pitches in when necessary. I do it because he is in an extremely challenging and advanced magnet program, with hours of homework each night, and he also plays sports. The kid works very hard. He does chores every weekend

I disagree with the reviewer. I enjoyed this two-hour episode and am very glad the show moved from ABC to CMT, where it appears it is being given a chance to breathe. In time, I think it will fully find its way back to the music and playfulness from the beginning. I think the dialogue between Rayna and Deacon was

Exactly. Not to mention the fact that last week, Bailey didn't care one bit about the young women who needed the liver transplant. She was annoying and selfish. I am really starting to dislike her character.

I loved the Dennis Quaid movie, so I was thrilled when I found out they were making a show based on the movie, and the pilot definitely did not disappoint. I am sticking around.

I don't really care much about Booth, but I am very happy to see Ioan Gruffudd! I loved watching him on Forever and was sad when it was cancelled.

I liked the episode. I thought it was interesting learning about Jake's background.

Ah ok I missed that. Thanks!

Maybe, although I'm from Chicago and I'm a hugger.

I definitely did.

Oh, and the other thing that bothered me was Grace continually ringing the doorbell and banging on the door while Alicia was talking to Jason at the beginning of the episode. First of all, if my kid needed me, no matter the age (and my daughter is a year older than Grace), I would answer the damn door. But why was

Actually the older brother (Matt Saracen!!!) was supposed to go to the debate too, hence the discussion with the reporter about his clothes. This is the plot hole that makes me the most crazy. "Adam" is left alone all the time without any police protection whatsoever, even though the kidnapper is still out there. And

I didn't care for this episode either, but then again, I haven't cared for The Good Wife much over the last two seasons. It used to be my absolute favorite show and now I'm just basically waiting for it to end. I also thought it was just plain dumb that the party was at Alicia's apartment, and I was supremely annoyed