
@DeRose.Joe: Just wanted to point out that I just read about the Israeli system today and they specifically said that they do NOT profile based on race. They profile based on emotional responses such as nervousness. Here's the article:

@chauncy that billups: Taking innocent pictures of your kids and native tribes does not fall into the "obscene" category in my book.

@Michael Bates: Lots of things "can" cause problems... The problem here is that we "know" that x-rays cause problems with too much exposure and yet started using these machines without further studying their effects.

@jeblis: Pornography is defined as "obscene writings, drawings, photographs, or the like, esp. those having little or no artistic merit."

Is it just me or does this article sound like Lh is down playing this issue? Here's some more information that others might like to know:

Did you mean to type "Online..., but" instead of that "While" in the first line?

Check out

Vote: TrueCrypt

If everyone is an average, there can be no extremes. I am who I choose to be.

Our work place CPR trainer gave a similar message: make sure to have their head tilted back to keep their air ways open and then begin chest compressions. At that point the ambient air in the lungs can still help oxygenate the blood. Also if you give artificial breathes incorrectly you can inflate their stomach and

Did you mean to end the italics after that last "Update" paragraph?

The decision is always: white, black or not enough info. My best friend is the opposite, so I'll be linking him this article :p

I use a 8GB USB drive on a quick release key chain packed with portable apps etc. You'd be surprised how often it comes in handy...

I use Chrome for surfing and Firefox for web development.

I've been using Skype while gaming lately, but I also keep Gmail running. With Google Voice built in I can drop the additional application, so am very happy with the change.

This plus the Lh tutorial on setting up symbolic links make an awesome combo. Currently using it share gaming files with my friends.

This + Firesteel Knife = Win!

Aside from obvious tech / note utensils I also carried around a mid sized chess board and pieces. I would often setup a game and then get to study / work and be approached by a random person looking to play a game. Made for great built in breaks and helped me meet interesting people ;)

@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: I created the ampersand with its entity which is & and then just types the gt; afterward so you'd be able to see it in full ;)