
Love the new contacts page, but the mail page is now overly cramped... I mean there is like zero pixels between the chat box and mail box.

Hmm... tried it real quick, but I still prefer Notepad2 for my quick note taking and Notepad++ for syntax highlighting.

@jedimaster: As long as your looking at a mid to high end gaming rig I would definitely build. You won't regret the extra work for the quality / savings you'll get in return.

@zdevex: I switched my computer illiterate parents-in-law to Ubuntu about 6 months ago, partly as an experiment to test this very notion, partly out of spite .

@eien: You sir, are a genius!

5 seconds?!? Crap... I've been going by the 30 second rule...

Reminds me of these 9 types of crappy handshakes:

@AndwuH: Only fill the bag so that the bottom 1/2"-1" has liquid and rig a way to keep the bag vertical. Then once frozen you'll have a similar width popsicle to those above though they will only be about half the length.

Thinkgeek also has a firesteel/pocket knife here:

Hilarious, yet sorely needed...

We keep a small stash of fast food restaurant napkins in our glove compartment. Never ending supply of free tissues ftw :p

@Hexenmeister: Lifehacker recently posted an article on living for a $1 a day. One of the links from the blog that detailed the plan is for organic and natural food coupons:

If your work place recycles cans then that could be an easy source for cans for projects like this one.

There is a drive in near where we live that has two screens facing each other and you just tune your car radio into the proper frequency.

Or if you wanna be creative using mini-CD business cards you can replace the splash screens for your company's information instead ;)

Or you can set the background to match up to your multi monitor setup. Geeky yet useless :p

I use my thumb drive for carrying around software such as portable apps etc. I use Dropbox for handling my documents such as the current projects that I'm working on.


I'm imaging a ~15" Google Slate running Chrome OS...