
@wicketr: I also use and recommend FastStone Capture. As an added bonus it also runs just fine from an USB drive!

I personally am a big fan of

Vote: LastPass

Downloading plugin now! ( Chrome v.4.1 needs plugin )

VOTE: Grooveshark

Scary but beneficial. Gaia 2.0 will be Skynet. Wait, thats not beneficial... just scary!

Step 1) Rip DVD ( all but annoyances )

VOTE: Ultramon

That would make one heck of an iPad dock!

I read the title of this article and envisioned a ray of light penetrating the forest canopy to a chorus of angels singing...

This is pretty cool, thanks for sharing!

A non-elegant way to bypass the automatic sorters: Place your cool envelope inside a normal envelope. Keeps the wax seal in tact and the recipient is in for a nice surprise after opening the plain Jane outer shell.

I've always loved ThinkGeek's April Fools items. So many funny gags.

Only trouble I've had is in setting specific icons for specific file types.

@freakshowtime: I only see a place to set my home page in the basic options.

How about an extension to let me assign a single url to my new tab page such as

@Archnemesis_Goldenhair: I 2nd The stuff on origami club is more for kids or people just getting started.