
Lifehacker, your making it very hard for me to stay with Firefox...

Just got 17 new invites. Also I have started a public wave for sharing invites in this same manner, although it's only useful for getting your friends invites once you've already gotten yours :P

I've been using Google Wave lately. Especially great if you need to collaborate on the list/outline.

That is a lot of wallpapers O.o

@Buster Friendly: I am running 32 bit Windows 7 RC and it works fine for me.

@happinessiseasy: Bing has not yet earned the privilege to be used as a verb. Only Google is worthy of such an honor :P

@maudman: It's only a problem if they add "Public" to the contributors list ;)

My wife and I are currently using a wave to map out gift ideas for our children and extended family.

I find the minimalist Google page to be refreshing. I use Google as both my home page and my Firefox new tab page, so I encounter it frequently.

I use OpenDNS for their filtering options. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but the thought of one of my daughters googling their first name and clicking random links makes me shudder...

The toolbars look a little cluttered, but I guess that's unavoidable when your talking about a 10" netbook screen.

@computermix: You know... my first thought when I saw this post listed on the front page was "I'm so going to post about how Google Wave should implement something like this."

@dmtofree: Since the geolocation API will be a HTML5 standard, then it makes since that browser vendors would be able to include a setting to disable it, potentially even disabled by default.

@at80eighty: I'm glad it turned out so well. Now I'm just waiting for a standard size bulb to burn out to make it's big brother ;)

For those still up in the air, I personally run a system with 4GB of ram and have never seen a slow down (aside from one tremendous photoshop render I once did).

See, this is why I <3 Lifehacker. Leave it to Lh to bring up some little DIY project that you can just sit down and do right on the spot and have something pop out that's adorable.

@stever: Yeah... you know what they say about hind sight... #deals

Signed up for my snuggie, received confirmation email instantly. What was great tho, was that in the signup form I opted out of the newsletter, but clicking the confirmation link opted me back in... awesome. #deals

I tried out the free lesson on mango for Japanese, they really drill it into you, which is a good thing I guess. Turns out my library has purchased it for it's members, but they only grabbed 6 of the languages and Japanese wasn't one of them :(