
I like the message, and even moreso because he didn’t actually say “touch grass”, which is what every unoriginal dipshit parrots to make themselves feel special. Why have a personality when you can just bleat the phrase of the moment?

He uses his position and clout as a YouTuber to leak stories, illegally mind you, to make himself feel bigger.

Fuck, I wish you lot were being persecuted because then maybe you would stop whining for a single goddamn second.

Yeah it’s pretty disappointing too. I loved Kotaku up until this article really. I come here for most of my gaming and anime news. I don’t think I’ll be reader after this though, it just put’s a bad taste in my mouth.

Try being an average looking guy on a dating app, one match every two hundred swipes, and the one girl you talk to wants to scam you for Twitter clout. But no, that's not about mental health apparently, that's just boys being boys.

No, sorry, it’s a dating app for people looking to date. Messing with people is a shitty, manipulative thing to do. 

Summary this individual goes on tinder not to get dates but to lead men on to believe it’s interested in them, gets them to buy a game, fails to be honest about its game only interest then ghosts them after they spend money and time on the game... but it’s A OK! It’s an uterus having individual and one with a rough

It is about mental health, Kotaku is glorifying this scammer’s behavior, instead of highlighting her manipulation as a bad thing. She is preying on men whose mental health issues could be a factor in how they responded to her scamming. If you can’t see the obvious implications of her actions towards men with possible

No, ghosting creeps is perfectly fine. Manipulating people isn’t.

This is not something to be proud of. Ghosting and scams make dating shitty for everyone cause it perpetuates treating people like shit. Then you get people in the comments who cheer for them. It is sad.

Man there’s such a weird overlap between the “end the stigma towards men’s mental health” crowd and the “haha men’s feelings don’t matter” crowd

I think that particular problem belongs in the category “Don’t care. Go fuck yourself. Gotta get back to work.”

The word you’re looking for is “hoax”. They’re getting blowback for pulling off a hoax as a marketing campaign for their mod skills, I guess?


I don’t have skin in the fight but I really hope the status quo shifts from your byline “Yearning and Crying” to simply “Existing”. For whatever its worth from an internet stranger, I wish you all well and peace.

It can come to Xbox the same day Starfield comes to Playstation. Until then, shoosh. You don’t get everything you want, you opulent swine.

I mean… maybe it’s time to let TF2 go. 

These speed runs reminds of vape contests... 

Except he’s not in every game. He wasn’t in Dark Souls 2 or Sekiro. Letting us discover him for ourselves would’ve been nice, but nope, gotta get them clicks.

Why would you post this? You know this headline is a spoiler. I have been avoiding all Elden Ring info and not even watching trailers so I can see everything with fresh eyes and I come here and see this headline. This is a bad move. I know you want clicks but this is just disappointing.