
*spends 15 seconds navigating to Cyberpunk 2077 in my library and clicking an install button* 

Transphobia is bigotted hatred and shouldn’t be encouraged. Trans rights are human rights, and trans identity is as valid as CIS identity.

Alternatively, you can let developers create the gameplay how they want it to be even if it cuts out a group of players. If the souls games implemented an “easy” mode it would be no skin off my back as long as that’s where they wanted to take the game, but I also don’t see the need to add one in just because certain

I don’t think I’ll ever understand why people who don’t like hard games play hard games.
There’s no “fun” mode in GTA that makes that a good game for me to play. There doesn’t need to be an easy mode for games that are designed to be hard.

Returnal is an amazing game. Soulsborne games are even more amazing, and all of

It’s not that it’s hard, I just worry about frying expensive parts.


Here’s the thing, though; editors aren’t any better at catching mistakes than writers. They don’t have time to actually proofread, they’re just another set of eyes reading a story, and they miss just as much as they catch. 

people seem to have some weird opinions about where I stand here. I’m not “stanning” for any console, I own all three. I’m not an Xbot, or Sony Pony... I’m sick and tired of the dishonest, reactionary discussions around any of it. Noticing a specific pattern doesn’t make me in any one camp, just an observer of casual

There’s a very real difference in how the two companies approach acquisitions, though.

As a long time fanboy? This looks good as hell. If youre not down with it, thats cool, but for me it looks like delightful and silly fun.

As long as Microsoft handles the Xbox more like a PC extension and less like an actual console I don’t see the point in getting one. Why spend money on the console when 70-80% of the games are going to come out on PC as well?

“And I’m like, bigger doesn’t matter because I believe in impact over numbers.”

Just watch — it’s gonna end up being like that door in the Cathedral Ward in Bloodborne.

I mean they’re kind of right. It’s a very weird thing to write about on Kotaku or a game journalism site. He got two new suits...... ok? These suits weren’t something he just wore at a fighting game tournament.... he didn’t declare the Cyberpunk release date while dressed in them.... there is no real relevant context.

CEO is bad so everyone is bad? Some fuckboi logic. Fuck, Kotaku has some of the worst owners but great writers. Can be said about 99 percent of all companies in the USA. Find me a good CEO, ha. 

Okay as someone who is actually gay, it’s going to take a *lot* more than an shampoo bottle to offend me. This is remarkably silly stuff going on. The level geometry thing miiight be a bit much, but honestly I’ve seen much worse stuff embedded by the developers into old Nintendo games. Crass humor isn’t by itself

Oh, the “h” was in there. You just couldn’t see because it was obscured by an open car door.

You must have missed the part where they were offered the slot, agreed to it, then pulled at the very last minute and not given a reason. This after advertising to their audience and spotlighting PAX. That is as shady as busines practices come.

Its not an “inaccurate stereotype of a mentally ill individual” its an accurate depiction of THEIR mentally ill individual. This is no different than complaining that villains can’t be bald because that paints bald men in a bad light.

Because like most gaming fans they are entitled children that cannot respect the creators or understand this is a business.