The Kino Flo Demon

Low hanging fruit:

By their own prudish conservative rules, Michelle wins because we ain’t never seen her titties.

Now now, Richard. It is up to us to be better. Better I say! Using coded language like ape isn’t deplorable! It’s their right as Americans! And it doesn’t mean they are racist! They are just telling it like it is!

Oh ya. It’s us coastal elites who need to watch our language and tone. BE NICER GUYS 🙄


I’ll say it if nobody else will.

Aaaand, it’s over folks. Internet has been won for the day

It’s a forum to call them out and get them out of office. There’s actual action that can be had here for the better instead of letting them get away with it by keeping it local.

which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

People complaining the Beast is too ugly is rather ironic considering the whole point of the movie is Belle falling in love with him as a person, not for his looks. Sigh.

Thank you so much for this post; I couldn’t agree with you more. Beast is a fractured soul that finds his path in redemption: Trump is like an ugly Gaston. Especially since he would say “How can you read this without any pictures?”.

My best friends have posited a theory. When you get elected president, one of the first things that happens is you get a visit from “Charlie,” this deep undercover operative who has ALL the horrible news about what’s really going on. “Charlie” takes the POTUS-elect into a little room and tells POTUS all the horrible

I don’t think this is about that. You don’t get into screaming matches in front of the kids and end up shoving one, however accidental it may have been, because you’re smoking too much pot.

You’re the falconer! So cool.

Wild! I never noticed it or saw anyone exit from it during my 3 hour wandering of SNM.

Where is the elevator? This isn’t the first I’ve read about it, but they took us into the play by the stairs so I never saw the elevator. I’m not sure if that was because I was apart of the very first group to enter or what, but we just were led straight into the stairwell off the Manderley bar.


So hippotheraphy is a real thing with benefits, for various disorders. But considering he is an adult and this is not a long term program I am guessing it is the usual covering of one’s ass tactic.