I was gonna say, I hope gurl gets rekt and later becomes the keyboardist for a Swedish death metal band. That would be amazing.
I was gonna say, I hope gurl gets rekt and later becomes the keyboardist for a Swedish death metal band. That would be amazing.
Fuckin’ VICTORY.
Bish looks good to me, but I’d rather discuss who REALLY looks stunning in that trailer: Emma Thompson! She must be bathing in the blood of virgins!
She should have had an editor take a look at that before she sent it to editors. Nobody has ‘an extra burrito’ at lunch. ‘An extra burrito’?! Most humans who aren’t The Rock can barely eat one burrito. It’s not even an aggrandization that makes any sense. You lost me at burrito, lady!
Looks like a cut scene from ‘Cloud Atlas,’ but I covet those silver cuffs.
Which Heather were you? Red scrunchie? Yellow scrunchie?
I’m the same height as her and I WISH my waist were that slim, she’s beautifully built. She could pull off a gown with a train like a motherfucker. I dunno, I kind of think she should have worn a bedsheet toga and Louboutins and then told everyone on the red carpet that designers blew her off.
Well, let’s see. Multiple women at my work have been told that ‘if we don’t like it, we can leave.’ We’re hired at-will without any contracted room for salary increases, so if we do anything our all-male bosses don’t like, we can be fired without cause, and if we want to expend massive amounts of money, time, and…
Most women are absolutely afraid to ask for more money...even a ballbuster like me is petrified.
*head explodes in ball of napalm*
Fuck YEAH they are...read Ancillary Justice and prepare for your head to asplode!
The bending over and making derpface is the fucking cherry on that. Crushed it!
I like that one reason there isn’t much dialogue in his films is that he lets his actors edit according to the mood of the scene. But, you’re talking to someone whose top 5 includes ‘2001' and ‘Under the Skin,’ which have about 30 lines of dialogue between them, so...