The Kino Flo Demon

If Lindy and Mallory teamed up THE WORLD WOULD ASPLODE.

I always like to tell the story of first seeing/hearing Jewel back in 1995. Sean Penn brought her to the little premier party for ‘Dead Man Walking’ which was in a restaurant in Westwood. Jewel crept in, sat on a stool in the corner in her hippie gear, and knocked out a couple of songs while the party ground to a

The last time a man told me to smile, I responded with “Eat shit,” so I think she handled it pretty politely in comparison!

Personally I think they should just redo it exactly the same. Rousey gets it on with a hot lady doc, wears a wardrobe inspired by karate gi, etc etc. It would be amazing.

Still wearing no underwear beneath those black jeans.

She’s so magnificent - how could he! :)

I myself have used traditional Photoshop to make every photo ever taken of me look like Helen Mirren’s bikini photo.

Assumption: instead of a creepy plague mask, everyone gets a bunch of Data inventions to strap on themselves in order to get out of all the booby traps?

She has real pretty stripper hair.

you win!! :)

Are you sure your sister isn’t Gracie Hart? :)

As if I would wear something from Judy’s!

eyes hurtings from crying laughing so hard

She needs to get together with Shannon of the Onion Sauce and start a revenge-style reality show!

FYI, when you Wiki Anthony Horowitz, it states ‘Anthony Horowitz, OBE, is a suave English novelist.’ So, clearly he knows what he’s talking about!

Who invented pepper jack cheese? It is like the Bataan Death March of cheese.

EVERYONE’S guacamole sucks. Guac is meant to be made fresh by you without any additives, chilled for about 10 minutes, and then shoveled into your gullet, sometimes directly off the fork. Restaurant guac ruins everything it touches!


You can harvest in a way that doesn’t negatively impact the hive. It requires monitoring activity and paying attention, though. We consider ourselves ‘bee-havers’ rather than ‘bee-keepers’ - for example, we had some cold winters so we didn’t harvest, in order for the bees to best maintain the hive themselves through

As someone who keeps an apiary, I have an honest question: what if the honey is gathered in a way that doesn’t harm or exploit the bees? I get not supporting the big farms that bio manipulate their bees, but mine are from a cut out. Just curious!