I just re-watched that on The Instant last week...I have a soft spot for it. He's mannered but awesome in it. You can see very clearly why Sandy B went all googly-moogly for him!
I just re-watched that on The Instant last week...I have a soft spot for it. He's mannered but awesome in it. You can see very clearly why Sandy B went all googly-moogly for him!
I remember reading that Goz and whatsherbucket deliberately eliminated a lot of dialogue from the script because it was too talky for their interpretations of the characters. So, scenes that are basically empty used to have conversation in 'em. Not that it makes it any better to know, really.
Unintentional (or intentional) pun is solid, truth of your post aside.
Downton Season 4 happening in about 2 hours when he gets home!
SERIOUSLY. Science is wrong this time. We'll watch multiple episodes back to back because it feels like watching a movie with a big fat storyline, not because we're depressed!
That Snickers-lookin' dog is amazeballs!
Now I am also giggling.
The John Hiatt. That is all.
She gets a free pass for life for running over Jesus in the Handicapper Van with her big ol' zit and her janky tiara. That, and being indelibly associated with 'Center Stage'!
Not fetch.
AND he's walking around the moors (slight exaggeration) wearing that rumpled cardie with the goat's milk bottle in the front pocket!?!?!?1!?!1
Bravo to her. When I costumed in film I always used roadkill to make cloak accents for medieval and renaissance shows. I didn't clean it myself, but there's a taxidermy guy here in Burbank who has barrels of roadkill he collects.
The best pop vocalist I ever heard without any amplification or modification of any kind was Jewel, believe it or not. She 'played' (meaning she sat by the bar with her guitar on a stool) a movie premiere party I went to about 20 years ago, when she was probably psyched to get a gig like that. She started singing and…
A good pal of mine was a sheriff's deputy in Ventura for many years. Stories he's told me would make your hair stand on end. Remember that the county goes all the way into the canyons near Malibu, where fucked-up ex-hippie devil worshipers live! Gooood shit!
I wish I was good at writing so I could write like that.
Can someone get this kid a show where he partners up with the Apparently/Seriously kid and they gesticulate together for an hour? I'd watch that.
Dude. Those are not books. They are shelf-fillers with bad covers for the bargain section at Barnes & Noble. You got a real book contract the old-fashioned way? That's AWESOME.
Well, we'll never know if the shirt would have helped her, because it was at the cleaners.