
None of that first group were big stars after only 1-3 years on the show (with the possible exception of Schaal, who was already recurring on Flight of the Conchords when she joined the show.) If Noah/Williams/Minhaj/Klepper are all still relatively small-time in 2020, you might have a point, but it's too early to

I came down here to make a crack about how it's too soon to already be remaking Predestination

Not to be confused with "Dank British Independent Movies" (#420)

I assume editboy would've said "thought-provoking" instead of "boring" in that case.

There's not really a direct contradiction or anything the way there is with something like Dysfunctional Family Circus, but I think what makes it work is the banality of the art combined with the pompous filibustering. If there is any kind of irony, I think it's that Dilbert was supposed to be this look at how

Shoehorned Obamacare reference! DRINK!

Terms of Endearment. Although NIcholson is in a distant third for screentime/prominence in that movie.

Yeah, and it's not even accurate—the lack of kids in minimum wage jobs has more to do with how the ongoing gutting of worker protections—cost-of-living wage increases, retirement, being able to get a full-time schedule—have pushed older people into taking part-time minimum-wage service jobs to make ends meet.

Shouldn't you be in dress rehearsal, Mr. Trump?

Pffff, Ender's Game ripped off the whole concept of shellshock from Hemingway, because no two books can be remotely similar without one being a ripoff!

There's also Fury showing up in Age of Ultron and everyone being completely unfazed by his apparent return from the dead.

“attempted to install himself as the curator of the Manos estate”

What if phones…but TOO MUCH??

And then at the end it's revealed he's really a clone and regular Colm Meaney is fine?


I could get on board for Cumberbatch as Dormammu or Mordo or (why not) the Ancient One, but as Strange, meh.

isn't this basically the plot of Bucky Larson

Yeah, clearly he started chatting up this 14-year-old girl and invited her to his house for drinks with the purest of intentions. Give me a fucking break.

My favorite George NN Martin character

Wait, why can't Marvel use the Skrulls?